Thursday, June 7, 2007

Idle hands

It’s surprising how easy it is to forget that there’s a button maker in your household. Don’t ask me why it took so long to put 2 and 2 together (4 = Makes Nice buttons). Making buttons for your band is a lot like masturbation, except that people are slightly more interested in the product. Alluring, no?

So are you coming to the show at the Rickshaw tonight? You know if you do, you can count on one of these babies gratis. As if that weren’t enough, I think we’ll be wearing suits. When was the last time you saw a retro band wear suits? Skinny ties? And have you seen Josh’s new schoolboy haircut yet? Consider yourself convinced.


Bubeau said...

What time do you play, EXACTLY?

Aaron Makes Nice said...

Haven't you played in a band before? You should know what a silly question that is.

The answer is 10:26.

Give or take an hour.