Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Cheeseburger with sunglasses

We had a rad BBQ last Sunday. You were probably there. It was the record release show for my favorite band these days, the Traditional Fools. I remember having a lot of fun and talking lots of awesome people. The only bummer was that the large crowds, while leaving the basement after sets by the Rantouls, NoBunny and the Okmoniks, only looked at the “Kissing Booth” sign above the merch table and not the wonderful products I had to offer, resulting in many disgusted sidelong glances in my direction. Seriously, though, I’m not that pathetic. That’s almost as bad as plugging your record label with your blog.

Oh yeah, I took some pictures of the show.

Anyway, I can’t complain too much. By the night’s end I had sold a bunch of records and got rid of a bunch of zines. Plus, I handed out all my flyers for what is most likely to be the greatest Makes Nice show ever. No kisses, though, in case you were wondering. Not that I'd ever write about that anyway. A gentleman does not kiss and blog.

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