Friday, June 1, 2007

June 1st = Fresh start #6

Pinball machines, fanzines, analog tape, rocknroll… all these things of which I’ve grown so fond in my college years, each growing more irrelevant with every passing year. Even that PO box I rented seemed pretty useless in this day and age. I suppose the occasional walk to the post office was kinda fun, but still. The twelve month period just expired, and I couldn’t help but think back to the time when I thought it would be a good idea to get one.

Remember a year ago, when I killed off my Livejournal to pursue other interests? I wrote a few zines. Played a bunch of music. Started up a record label. I won’t bore you with the details of how much it all exceeded my expectations.

But Chocolate Covered Records soldiers on, good sir! Shirley, you’ve seen us in the weeklies of late. You’re coming to see Dreamdate play at Amoeba in SF this evening, right? You’ve waited until now to buy the CD, you silly girl. And I know you’re super excited about the Traditional Fools 7” coming out this summer. Shirley, there’s so much to look forward to. Let's get some ice cream later.

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